The World Cup Bridge Cup is a Multi-Event Tournament held annually between the United States and the United Kingdom to determine which country has the best Bridge Players that year. There are three distinct tournaments held within the World Cup Tournament: The US Open, The UK Open and The World Cup Challenge Match.
The top 12 teams from each country will compete on the National World Play Team. In the US & UK Opens each team will play 12 chukkas. Teams will rotate every chukka. The 12 chukkas will be played in two tournaments. Each chukka won will count as one Match Point. The teams that score the most Match Points earn a spot on their National World Play Bridge Team.
In the World Play World Cup each team will play 12 chukkas. Teams will rotate every chukka. The 12 chukkas will be played in two tournaments. Each chukka won will count as one Match Point. The team that scores the most combined Match Points wins the World Cup. Rules
Anyone may enter the World Cup Tournament. If your Team has a combined total of World Excellence Points over 50 then you will play in the Majors Sectionals. This is done to ensure players are evenly matched.
Registration is done via email to MadeOBuck@Aol.com or by filling out the submission form below. Please provide the names of two people who will make up your team and please provide a name for your team that relates to the theme of the Tournament. This years theme is Music. All names will be reviewed for suitability prior to approval. Please also include a brief description of how you play - a real but humorous version. Sample Team Name: Pretenders Players: MadeOBuck & PMars65605 Player Descriptions: Phoney Club, Transfers, Bolivian Bluffs, Game Bids out of the Blue, Slam Bids upon demand.
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